Marissa Alternative Ed / Project Up
The Marissa District 40 is establishing a program specifically designed to meet the educational needs of students that are at risk of failure due to truancy, behavior, or academics issues, and the critical need for credit recovery to graduate. Truancy is often a result of underlying issues at home or in the education setting. Currently, through Title 1 Grant monies, the District employs a Parent/School Liaison who monitors student attendance as well as works with parents whose children have attendance issues. Other issues that were identified by the "Project UP" committee was limited to academic difficulties, the need to work to help support families, and student social emotional concerns. Improving the chances for these students to graduate will be a corner stone of the program.
To guide the implementation of the program, the committee created the Project UP Expectations and Guidelines which will serve as the foundation for the program. Student and parent expectations are well defined. The selection process is based on three criterion: 1) Students absent more than 7 days 2) Students accumulating more that 10 behavior demerits during the course of the school year 3) Students who are not meeting grade level expectations. Recommendations will be handled through the High School principal.
To guide the implementation of the program, the committee created the Project UP Expectations and Guidelines which will serve as the foundation for the program. Student and parent expectations are well defined. The selection process is based on three criterion: 1) Students absent more than 7 days 2) Students accumulating more that 10 behavior demerits during the course of the school year 3) Students who are not meeting grade level expectations. Recommendations will be handled through the High School principal.